Hobby candele


Hobby candele

Félix Candela (1910-1997) was a Mexican architect and engineer. He worked from the 1930s to the 1960s, and he accomplished a great deal for Mexican architecture.

Candela’s major contribution to structural engineering was the theory of thin shells made out of reinforced concrete. He worked very hard during his life time to prove the real nature and potential reinforced concrete had in structural engineering. Reinforced concrete is extremely efficient in a dome or shell like shape. Hobby Fabbri - Progetti Candele. This shape minimizes the amount of tensile forces being placed on the concrete. Candela was a smart, but independent man. He was known to be very honest, and straightforward. He also looked to solve problems by the simplest means possible. In regards to shell design, he tended to rely on the geometric properties of the shell for analysis, instead of complex mathematical means. hobby decoupage biedermeier pasta di mais cartonaggio pirkka candele. Candela was married to Eladia Martin when he moved to Mexico from Spain; there, they raised a family. Candela was interned as a POW in the Perpignan concentration camp during the Spanish Civil War of the 1930's. In his early life, Felix was active in sports, particulary rugby and skiing. In his later years, his distinguishing feature was his beard that made him look years younger than his true age (since it did not grey a lot. )Candela has said on more than one occasion that the analysis of a structure is a sort of "hobby" to him. Presenta materiali e tecniche.

As a young adult, Félix Candela was interested in many different fields of study. Due to some advice from a good friend he decided to study architecture. Candela attended the Madrid School of Architecture. Early after he started classes, he developed a very keen sense of geometry and started teaching other students in private lessons.

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