Keyword and Idea Manager


Keyword and Idea Manager

Some Wikipedians have formed a project to better organize information in articles related to Keywords. This page and its subpages contain their suggestions; it is hoped that this project will help to focus the efforts of other Wikipedians. If you would like to help, please inquire on the talk page and see the to-do list there.


This WikiProject is for helping wikipedians to understand better how to use keywords to build context and content based on the Five Pillars of Wikipedia. Specifically ". Progettazione e realizzazione siti internet Invisible Site srl (1999-2003) project manager e responsabile del. providing context for any given point of view. " and making things like timelines, almanac elements, tables and other tasks easier for editors.

t may also help improve usability by helping readers to navigate the Wikipedia and provide some framework for the development of advanced utilities for editors working the database, interwiki support, and eventually multilingual WikiSound interfaces. The scope is broad.

What are Keywords?

Keywords are very simple objects that show up in every HyperText entity on the WholeWideWeb. The concept of keyword searching is the same in the idea manager and the reference
module. An example from the hidden header of the Wikipedia Main_Page:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-W3CDTD XHTML 1. 0 TransitionalEN" "http:www. w3. org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional. dtd"> <html xmlns="http:www. Memo:, 2005-Apr-29 Ideen und
Gedanken schnell aufzeichnen. w3.
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