Contacts Manager for PalmOS


Contacts Manager for PalmOS

Palm OS is a compact operating system developed and licensed by PalmSource, Inc. for personal digital assistants (PDAs) manufactured by various licensees. It is designed to be easy-to-use and similar compared to desktop operating systems such as Microsoft Windows. Palm OS is combined with a suite of basic applications including an address book, clock, note pad, sync and security software. Palm OS was originally released in 1996. Contacts Manager for PalmOS - Palm OS Software.


Programs on a Palm OS handheld can also be displayed as a list.

Palm OS was originally developed by Jeff Hawkins for use on the original Pilot PDA by US Robotics. Version 1. 0 was present on the original Pilot 1000 and 5000 and version 2. 0 was introduced with the PalmPilot Personal and Professional. Contacts Manager for PalmOS.

With the launch of the Palm III series version 3. 0 of the OS was introduced. Incremental upgrades occurred with the release of versions 3. 1, 3. 3 and 3. Password Manager for PalmOS - Palm OS Software. 5, adding support for color, multiple expansion ports, new processors and other various additions.

Version 4. 0 was released with the m500 series, and later made available as an upgrade for older devices. This added a standard interface for external filesystem access (such as SD cards) and improved telephony libraries, security and UI improvements.

Version 5. Contacts Manager for PalmOS - Palm OS.

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