


A cellular automaton (plural: cellular automata) is a discrete model studied in computability theory, mathematics, and theoretical biology. It consists of an infinite, regular grid of cells, each in one of a finite number of states. The grid can be in any finite number of dimensions. Time is also discrete, and the state of a cell at time t is a function of the states of a finite number of cells (called its neighborhood) at time t-1. Tutti i cellulari in offerta e sempre disponibili su Factotusit. These neighbors are a selection of cells relative to the specified cell, and do not change. (Though the cell itself may be in its neighborhood, it is not usually considered a neighbor. ) Every cell has the same rule for updating, based on the values in this neighbourhood. Each time the rules are applied to the whole grid a new generation is produced. Softwarecellulariit[HOME].


One example of a cellular automaton (CA) would be an infinite sheet of graph paper, where each square is a cell, each cell has two possible states (black and white), and the neighbors of a cell are the 8 squares touching it. Then, there are 29 = 512 possible patterns for a cell and its neighbors. The rule for the cellular automaton could be given as a table. For each of the 512 possible patterns, the table would state whether the center cell will be black or white on the next time step. GPRS Arubait - Connessione internet con cellulari gprs - Tariffe. This is an example of a two dimensional cellular automaton.

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