September 2 is the 245th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (246th in leap years). After September 2, there are 120 days left in the year.


44 BC - Pharaoh Cleopatra VII of Egypt declares her son co-ruler as Ptolemy XV Caesarion. 44 BC - The first of Cicero’s Philippics (oratorical attacks) on Mark Antony. He will make 14 of them over the next several months. digita la tua user-id: digita la tua password. 31 BC - Roman Civil War: Battle of Actium - Off the western coast of Greece, forces of Octavian defeat troops under Mark Antony and Cleopatra. 1649 - The Italian city of Castro is completely destroyed by the forces of Pope Innocent X, ending the Wars of Castro. 1666 - The Great Fire of London breaks out and burns for three days, destroying 10,000 buildings including St. Paul's Cathedral. 1752 - The United Kingdom adopts the Gregorian Calendar, nearly two centuries later than most of Western Europe. E' possibile anche prenotare i biglietti on line. 1789 - The United States Department of the Treasury is founded. 1792 - During what became known as the September Massacres of the French Revolution, rampaging mobs slaughter three Roman Catholic Church bishops and more than two hundred priests. 1807 - British Navy bombards Copenhagen with fire bombs and phosphorus rockets to prevent Denmark from surrendering its fleet to Napoleon. 1833 - Oberlin College is founded by John Shipherd and Philo P. Stewart. 2 INSERISCI LA TUA AZIENDA ! Benvenuti in - Il Portale delle spiagge dell'Alto Adriatico.
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